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Konspektai kursiniai referatai diplominiai
Cricket. Referatas | ||
(Anglų kalba. Referatas, 1 puslapis, 4kB) Pranešti apie netikslumus Darbe esantys žodžiai: Cricket. Cricket is a game between two teams of 11 players on a field. The main goal of the game is to score as many runs while the other team tries to dismiss the striking player of the opponent team. A run is scored by the striking player hitting the ball with his bat, running to the opposite end of the pitch and touching the crease there without being dismissed. The teams switch between at the end of the game part called innings. Usually there are one or two innings that last from 3 to 4 days. Cricket is being played in the 22 yard long stretch which is located in the oval shaped field. Innings ends when 10 players of one team are dismissed. Cricket was first played in southern England and can definitely be traced back to . Vardas: Ruta Darbo pavadinimas: Cricket Kategorija: Anglų kalba Darbo tipas: Referatas Puslapių skaičius: 1 [?] Referato dalykas: Anglų kalbos referatas Parsisiųsta: 0 kartų.
Archyvo dydis: 4 kB
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