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Konspektai kursiniai referatai diplominiai


Lapų skaičius: 2
Tipas: Prezentacija
Darbe esantys žodžiai: I should also mention that we are a member of the Europe Union. Well, recently we realised that Lithuania is one of Europe’s the best kept secrets. Most people’s knowledge of Lithuania is a little fuzzy. Do you want to see it is really looks like? Well, one reason Lithuania is such a nice place to do business is that it is an unbelievable place to be, to live, to work or just to hang out. Lithuania is a small country: just over 3000000 people and only 300 kilometres across, so we can drive from one side to the other in less than 5 hours. We are very proud of our rich history, which takes back a thousand years. Lithuanian is one of the oldest living in Indo-European languages and it has a common origin with sun scripts. Lithuania is also home to some of the most untouched nature in Europe. Emerald green needles, towering forests, tranquil rivers and crystal clear lakes. The Baltic Sea with its golden beaches, medieval castles reminders of our glories past and fights for freedom. This is just a few things that make our country as lively and romantic as it is.

Lucky to be aliveparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 1
Tipas: Rašinys
Darbe esantys žodžiai: One Saturday morning Tom and Mark were walking on the beach. The weather was hot and sunny, but beach was rather empty. The blue sea was serene and perfect for swimming. Friends were talking about holiday plans and they ignored regard at sign, which was in golden sand. That was a sign with note No swimming-sharks. How strange, no one people in the sea, why?, asked Tom. Never mind, let¢s go swimming, replied Mark. They were starting surfing, when the shark appeared. The shark was big and awful, it rans after the men. Mark! Jump onto my board and push yours towar.

Major negative television effects on childrenparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 1
Tipas: Esė
Darbe esantys žodžiai: One of the most influential and successful modern society’s invention is television. Since the introduction of this powerful media tool, many different studies outlined that television can be harmful for the society, especially for children. In addition, vast amount of different opinions have been developed in order to explain why and how children suffer because of long hours spent near TV. It is clear and evident that children who watch extensive amounts of television programmes are likely to encounter complex personal development, behavioural and health issues. To be more precise, television influences high rates of violence in child’s daily life. Moreover, it also negatively impacts children abilities to learn and adopt various types of information. Finally, television causes different health issues related to overweight.

Managing nervesparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 8
Tipas: Prezentacija
Darbe esantys žodžiai: The main question is: How should we manage our nerves? The main fears: There may be someone who knows more than I do. I might get asked a question I can’t aswer. I might leave out an important point. There may be an awkward customer in the audience. I don’t want to look daft. There may be someone who knows more than I do. What should you do?: You must know your audience. Ask people what they expect from the presentation. You must know your material very well. Make your material interesting.

Marketing conteptionparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 13
Tipas: Referatas
Darbe esantys žodžiai: Vilniuaus kolegija. Ekonomikos fakultetas. Ekonomikos katedra. Suaugusiujų mokymo skyriaus. Vilnius. Content. Summary. Introduction. Marketing concept. Conclusions. Vocabulary. Summary. This report has pointed out that the main function of a business organization is marketing. Traditionally, industry emphasized production efficiency, often at the expense of marketing. Marketing is the development and distribution of goods, services for chosen consumer segments and marketing decision – making has been classified into four strategy elements: price, place, production, promotion. The combination of these four elements is called marketing mix. Our daily exposure to the diverse marketing activities around us has already given us some marketing expertise. Combining this experience with more formal marketing knowledge will enable us to identify and solve important marketing problems. Traditionally, marketing emphasize the expense of it, but beyond that the consequences of good

Marketingas angliškaiparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 3
Tipas: Referatas
Darbe esantys žodžiai: Marketing. Introduction. Marketing nowadays is a managerial domain that has an increasing strategic importance to business results and ultimately to the shareholder value. The enormous changes in the global market environment explain today’s pressures for greater marketing effectiveness. Businesses succeed when they meet the wants of customers more effectively than the competitors. Corporate profitability depends primarily on the company’s sustainable ability to offer products and services, which customers choose to pay for. Though this involves the efforts of virtually all departments in an organization, the marketing department, by virtue of its touch with the customers, typically has the largest role. Marketing concept. Marketing is the creation of long-term demand. Products are made and servises are provided in responce tu consumer needs or wants. This means that marketing put the consumer first. The problem is to make the consumer aware of the product and it‘s advantages. The basic function of marketing is tu determine the needs of the customers, to satisfy them and ofcourse the most important thing is to bring a profit to the company. A company that believes in marketing is forward thonking company and does not rest on it;s past achievements: it must be aware of its strenghts and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats it faces in the market (SWOT). Marketers have to identify or anticipate a consumer want. Design a product or service which satisfy consumer need. Persuade target consumers try a product and in long term modify it to satisfy changes in market conditions. They must supply exactly what the customer wants. They can do this by offering the riht marketing mix: The Four P‘s. At the right price. Available through the right channels of distribution: place. Presentented in the right way: promotion. Product. The product is the full bundle of goods and services offered to the...

Motivation: a happy worker is a productive workerparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 7
Tipas: Esė
Darbe esantys žodžiai: A happy worker is a productive worker. It should be discussed what makes workers feel happy and what stimulates them to work harder and how does it increase productivity. Doyle (2003) represent that “the motivated employee is assumed to work harder, longer and to higher standard than the less motivated” (Doyle 2003, p. 81). Motivation is a reason to do something and motivation of employees is one of the ways to make organization work more productive. Motivation is what makes people do things and as Adair (2002) pointed out that positively motivated people are happier people. There are a lot of academic textbooks and theories which state and describe motivation in different ways, so it is necessary to review them.

Motyvacinis laiškasparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 2
Tipas: Konspektas
Darbe esantys žodžiai: I am writing to apply for the Erasmus students mobility programme for the winter semester 2008/09 of my fifth year. My first option is the Erasmus School of Economics in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. I would like to have the opportunity to enrol in this program, because I think it will contribute to my personal development by expanding my knowledge and widening my experience in a variety of economic courses. Also this opportunity would be a means to improve my English and to learn Dutch at the same time.

Offset printingparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 8
Tipas: Referatas
Darbe esantys žodžiai: The most common printing process in current use is offset printing. Today’s businesses, including publishers and newspapers, depend on the consistent reliability of offset printing. This method is even more impressive when combined with new advances in lithographic techniques. Offset lithography became the most popular form of commercial printing in the 1950s ("Offset Printing"). Subsequent improvements in plates, inks, and paper enhanced the technology and maximized its superior production speed and plate durability. Today, lithography is the dominant printing technology in the US, and most lithography is printed as offset lithography.

Paraolimpinės žaidynės. Vertimasparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 1
Tipas: Konspektas
Darbe esantys žodžiai: Deja, ateityje, pasak G.Zavadckio, mūsų laukia ne itin džiugios perspektyvos. Daugumos šiandien sėkmingai rungtyniaujančių neįgaliųjų aktyvi sportinė karjera jau baigiasi (viena priežasčių – amžius), o pamainos neturime. Unfortunately, in the future, according to Mr Zavadckio, we face with not good future perspectives. Most of the competing successfully today, people with disabilities active in sports careers are over (one of the reasons - age), but don‘t shift.

